Anxiety is a response to an individual’s perception that they are being threatened.  In prehistoric man, people had to have a means of surviving threats to their physical well-being since they existed in the wild.  A double nugget shaped portion of our brain called the amygdala is responsible for preparing the body for a fight or flight. Consequentially, the amygdala triggers a series of physiological changes to prepare the individual to be able to defend themselves or run away. Usually the physiological preparation includes an adrenaline rush, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and stops digestion amongst other changes.  Mentally one typically begins to have negative and doubtful thoughts in which one believes something bad is going to happen, referred to as “feelings of doom”. On an emotional level one begins to feel afraid, anxious, nervous, helpless, hopeless, etc. Regardless of the symptoms, the person becomes very stressed.  Below are ten ways we can help reduce our stress and anxiety.

If the measures are unable to help you to feel better or you believe you are experiencing  anxiety which causes distress or feeling very bad, seek professional medical help immediately.  The suggestions below are not intended to diagnose or treat a clinical condition; they are suggested preventive measures.

To aid in the prevention of developing anxiety, follow the suggestions below.

  1. Workout. On a physical level exercising releases tension and stress from our bodies, a sort of detoxification, and improves circulation throughout our bodies. The benefits of exercising exceed our physical health by significantly enhancing our mind and emotions. Working out requires focus and concentration on our bodies for a duration of time versus being mentally consumed by our troubles and worries. Additionally, the hormone called endorphin which enhances one’s mood is released within the brain while we exercise.
  2. Get restful sleep . Sleep has a very significant affect upon mood, problem solving, temperament and overall mental and physical health. Therefore, quality sleep is essential for mental, emotional and physical well-being. Experts agree that 7 to 8 hours are recommended. Electronic devices should be turned off 1 to 2 hours prior to sleep time due to their tendency to keep the mind alert.
  3. Eat healthy meals and snacks. Do not skip a meal. Remember nutritious meals provide the energy our body requires on a regular basis. Skipping meals or consuming empty calories can produce mood and energy swings.
  4. Focus on the positive in any given situation. Whatever we focus our attention on our mind tends to magnify. In any given situation focus on the positive aspects and improve your mental well-being.
  5. Learn from the negative aspects of any given situation. When negative experiences occur, make good out of bad by brainstorming how the negative aspects of the situation could have been prevented.
  6. Be concerned not worried. Worrying is a useless habit we use to torment ourselves and rarely solves anything. Therefore, learn to be concerned and take preventive measures to solve the situation accordingly.
  7. Make time for yourself. You too are a priority! Find time to do things that help you to feel good. Life was made to be enjoyed. Engage in healthy activities which give you pleasure. This is an excellent way to de-stress and recharge your energy.
  8. Find purpose in your life. Identify a good cause or purpose which adds meaning to your life and embrace and embark upon it. This gives us a goal and a perspective in life; something to look forward to and define our legacy.
  9. Forgive and stop judging, criticizing or condemning yourself or others. Learn to forgive yourself and others. Do not hoard anger and resentment; they are an emotional cancer and at the core of stress, tension, anxiety and depression. Holding on to bad feelings can contribute to physical illnesses such as high blood pressure and heart conditions. Nothing good comes out of bad-mouthing yourself or others, neither will it change the situation. Make a mental note: “If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.”
  10. Live in the present. Keep your energy in the present and you will have the best result. Obsessing about or regretting the past solves nothing. What’s done is done and cannot be changed. By accepting the past you will liberate yourself to move forward in life.