Anxiety and depression have the ability to take away your peace of mind, sense of security, and self-confidence as well as your health.

Anxiety and depression are terms used to describe two mental and emotional conditions which reflect a state of stress may impede or limit your ability to function adequately in your social, academic, professional or personal life.

Typically anxiety and depression go hand in hand and share many of the same symptoms as those described below:

On an intellectual level you may become tormented by negative thoughts about yourself and what others think or how they feel about you. You may have difficulty focusing and concentrating at school or work and sleeping at night due to worries about not knowing the future outcome of a particular situation, or kept awake by reliving a disturbing thought, memory, fear, regret, or situation.

With regards to feelings you may experience a frequent pattern of sensation/s including worry, fear, stress, nervousness, doubt, confusion, apprehension, guilt, irritability, lack of control, being overwhelmed, an inferiority complex or low self-esteem, inability to cope or sense of helplessness or hopelessness.

Anxiety distinguishes itself by having the ability to manifest itself physically by creating heart palpitations, perspiration, trembling, lightheadedness, dizziness, feeling faint, shortness of breath or choking, chest pain, numbness, chills or hot flashes, or fear of losing control or going crazy or dying. Some people go to emergency rooms fearing they are having a heart attack. Over time, these anxiety symptoms can cause a person to avoid the source or situation which antagonizes (or provokes) the fear.

Depression can also produce physiological symptoms, such as, poor appetite or overeating, sleeping too much or too little, and low-energy or fatigue, unintentional weight loss or gain, physical movements can be slowed down.

A main difference between anxiety and depression is that the sufferer of anxiety is aware that their condition is based upon an irrational fear and the dominant feeling is one of worry and nervousness. Depression, on the other hand, is rooted in feelings of sadness or emptiness and may be accompanied by recurring thoughts of death or a suicidal plan or attempt.