Depression is characterized by a series of negative, self-defeating and self-sabotaging thought patterns about oneself and their life situation.  These patterns tend to become obsessive and debilitating.  As the depressed person begins to surrender to this disabling frame of mind, the individual begins to descend into a vicious cycle of helplessness, hopelessness, despair and isolation.

If the suggestions are unable to help you to feel better or you believe you are presently depressed or feeling very bad, seek professional medical help immediately.  The suggestions below are not intended to diagnose or treat a clinical condition; they are preventive measures.

To aid in the prevention of sinking into depression, follow the suggestions below.

  1. Stick to the sleep pattern you had when you felt better. Force yourself to get out of bed on time regardless of how you feel. Make your bed and do not lie in it again until bedtime at night.  If you confuse your sleep cycle by napping or sleeping during the day, you may knock your biological clock out of whack and not be able to sleep through the night.  Often  times it will lead to hyposomnia, meaning not enough sleep, or hypersomnia, too much sleep, both may cause fatigue.  Stay out of your bedroom during the day as much as possible in order to reduce the temptation to sleep or lie in bed while dwelling upon the thoughts and feelings which perpetuate your depression.
  2. Maintain your usual daily routine. This will help to keep your mind and body productive and occupied instead of using that time and energy to feed your depression.  If you begin to fall behind or fail to fulfill your responsibilities then you may also begin to feel overwhelmed or guilty and we do not want to add to bad feelings.
  3. Identify the losses that are triggering your sadness. Typically sadness or depression is associated with a loss such as that of a loved one, employment, etc.  If there is not a remedy to the loss then accept it.  Give yourself an opportunity to grieve it while remaining functional in other words able to fulfill your daily routine with some quality of life.  Seek each day to move forward in your life and allow time to help you to assimilate it and heal.
  4. Mistakes are a signals we are going in the wrong direction and need to make a change. Deviate from that error by learning from it and rethinking how to cope with the situation in a manner that will produce a positive outcome.  Do not waste time dwelling on the error.
  5. Guilt is a useless emotion. Eliminate it from your vocabulary and host of emotions.  It cannot change what happened.  If you do not like what you did simply do not repeat it. Move forward.
  6. Recall past successes; right choices or situations you have handled effectively and had positive results. This offers hope and reminds you that you are capable and competent to turn around a given situation.
  7. Stop the excessive and obsessive thinking. Our brain was not created to be constantly thinking.  It was created for problem solving.  Instead engage and distract your mind with productive and pleasurable activities and ideas.  You will be glad you did.
  8. Recharge your energy and de-stress. Regular physical activity which is pleasurable may function as a natural anti-depressant and can boost your energy. Exercise, workouts, walking, engaging in a sport, dance or another form of frequent physical activity may stimulate your endorphin production and help you feel better and increase your self-esteem.
  9. Create or identify a realistic goal and embark upon it. At times in life we may need something to look forward to or aspire in order to make things seem worthwhile.  What goal, desire, activity or event will stimulate you to move forward.  Identify or create goals that are achievable along with a basic plan on how you will make them a reality.  This will be putting your mind to work productively to a better future versus sulking over an unchangeable past.   ra good cause or purpose which adds meaning to your life and embrace and embark upon it. This gives us a goal and a perspective in life; something to look forward to and define our legacy.
  10. Socialize. When people feel sad or depressed their inclined to be alone more often by avoiding being around other people or isolating. Although they experience relief from being free of the stress of having to hide their depression, they are doing themselves a disservice because being alone allows them focus more time on feeling bad. Instead one should socialize with people they find comforting or love.